[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]/* Necessairy global declarations in source file: */ DECLARE lcdregs BYTE PUBLIC AT (0....H) AUXILIARY; DECLARE lcddata BYTE PUBLIC AT (0....H) AUXILIARY; DECLARE lcdstat WORD PUBLIC; DECLARE lcdsize BYTE PUBLIC; /* 'lcdregs' and 'lcddata' form the interface to the display. */ /* must use the 'AT' attribute (hardware address decoding). */ /* 'lcdstat' and 'lcdsize' contain status information used by */ /* procedures in LCD.LIB and should not be changed by the user. */
- Global literal declarations used in the library code.
DECLARE lcd1x16 LITERALLY '000', lcd2x16 LITERALLY '001', lcd4x16 LITERALLY '002', lcd1x20 LITERALLY '003', lcd2x20 LITERALLY '004', lcd4x20 LITERALLY '005', lcd1x24 LITERALLY '006', lcd2x24 LITERALLY '007', lcd4x24 LITERALLY '008', lcd1x32 LITERALLY '009', lcd2x32 LITERALLY '010', lcd4x32 LITERALLY '011', lcd1x40 LITERALLY '012', lcd2x40 LITERALLY '013', lcd4x40 LITERALLY '014'; /* not supported ! */
- Global procedure declarations to get access to the library.
lcdinit:PROCEDURE(size) EXTERNAL; DECLARE size BYTE; END lcdinit; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT EXTERNAL; END lcdbusy; lcdclear:PROCEDURE EXTERNAL; END lcdclear; lcdhome:PROCEDURE EXTERNAL; END lcdhome; lcddmode:PROCEDURE(function) EXTERNAL; DECLARE function BYTE; END lcddmode; lcdemode:PROCEDURE(function) EXTERNAL; DECLARE function BYTE; END lcdemode; lcdsdda:PROCEDURE(ramaddress) EXTERNAL; DECLARE ramaddress BYTE; END lcdsdda; lcdscga:PROCEDURE(ramaddress) EXTERNAL; DECLARE ramaddress BYTE; END lcdscga; lcdgaddr:PROCEDURE BYTE EXTERNAL; END lcdgaddr;
- LCD initialisiation code to be executed after power-up (i.e.: before any other procedures are used).
lcdinit:DO; $include(c:\plm51\lcdsize.dcl) DECLARE lcdregs BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; DECLARE lcdsize BYTE EXTERNAL; lcdinit:PROCEDURE(size) PUBLIC; DECLARE size BYTE; IF (size >= lcd1x16) AND (size <= lcd4x40) THEN lcdsize = size; ELSE return; CALL TIME(30); lcdregs = 030H; CALL TIME(60); lcdregs = 030H; CALL TIME(30); lcdregs = 030H; CALL TIME(30); IF (lcdsize = lcd1x16) OR (lcdsize = lcd1x20) OR (lcdsize = lcd1x24) OR (lcdsize = lcd1x32) OR (lcdsize = lcd1x40) THEN lcdregs = 030H; /* 8 bits, 1 row, 5 x 7 dots */ ELSE lcdregs = 038H; /* 8 bits, 2 rows, 5 x 7 dots */ CALL TIME(30); lcdregs = 008H; /* display off,cursor off,no blink */ CALL TIME(30); lcdregs = 001H; /* clear display */ CALL TIME(30); lcdregs = 0CH; /* display on, cursor off */ CALL TIME(30); lcdregs = 06H; /* auto-increment, shift cursor */ CALL TIME(30); END lcdinit; END lcdinit;
- Tests if the LCD is busy. - Returnvalue (bit): 0 = LCD ready for instructions/data 1 = LCD busy
lcdbusy:DO; DECLARE lcdregs BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT PUBLIC; IF (lcdregs AND 080H) <> 0 /* test busy flag */ THEN /* LCD is busy */ RETURN (1); ELSE /* LCD is ready */ RETURN (0); END lcdbusy; END lcdbusy;
- Clears display and returns cursor to home position (upper-left corner).
lcdclear:DO; DECLARE lcdregs BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT EXTERNAL; END lcdbusy; lcdclear:PROCEDURE PUBLIC; DO WHILE lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ END; lcdregs = 001H; /* clear display, return home */ CALL TIME(30); /* wait since busy flag isn't supported */ /* while clearing the display */ END lcdclear; END lcdclear;
- Returns cursor to home position. - Returns display to original position (when shifted).
lcdhome:DO; DECLARE lcdregs BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT EXTERNAL; END lcdbusy; lcdhome:PROCEDURE PUBLIC; DO WHILE lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ END; lcdregs = 02H; /* home display and cursor */ END lcdhome; END lcdhome;
- Sets entry mode of the LCD - b0 : 0 = no display shift, 1 = display shift b1 : 0 = auto-decrement, 1 = auto-increment b2-b7 : don't care
lcdemode:DO; DECLARE lcdregs BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT EXTERNAL; END lcdbusy; lcdemode:PROCEDURE(function) PUBLIC; DECLARE function BYTE; function = (function AND 003H) + 004H; /* strip bits and set b2 */ DO WHILE lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ END; lcdregs = function; /* set entry mode */ END lcdemode; END lcdemode;
- Sets display control - b0 : 0 = cursor blink off, 1 = cursor blink on (if b1 = 1) b1 : 0 = cursor off, 1 = cursor on b2 : 0 = display off, 1 = display on (display data remains in DD-RAM) b3-b7 : don't care
lcddmode:DO; DECLARE lcdregs BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT EXTERNAL; END lcdbusy; lcddmode:PROCEDURE(function) PUBLIC; DECLARE function BYTE; function = (function AND 007H) + 008H; /* strip bits and set b3 */ DO WHILE lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ END; lcdregs = function; /* set display mode */ END lcddmode; END lcddmode;
- Sets the Character-Generator-RAM address. CGRAM data is read/written after this setting.
lcdscga:DO; DECLARE lcdregs BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT EXTERNAL; END lcdbusy; lcdsdda:PROCEDURE(ramaddress) PUBLIC; DECLARE ramaddress BYTE; DO WHILE lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ END; lcdregs = ramaddress + 40H; /* write new CGRAM address */ END lcdscga; END lcdscga;
- Sets the Display-Data-RAM address. DDRAM data is read/written after this setting.
lcdsdda:DO; DECLARE lcdregs BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT EXTERNAL; END lcdbusy; lcdsdda:PROCEDURE(ramaddress) PUBLIC; DECLARE ramaddress BYTE; DO WHILE lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ END; lcdregs = ramaddress + 80H; /* write new DDRAM address */ END lcdsdda; END lcdsdda;
- Returns address counter contents, used for both DDRAM and CGRAM.
lcdgaddr:DO; DECLARE lcdregs BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT EXTERNAL; END lcdbusy; lcdgaddr:PROCEDURE BYTE PUBLIC; DO WHILE lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ END; RETURN (lcdregs AND 07FH); /* get current address */ END lcdgaddr; END lcdgaddr;
- Writes a character to LCD.
lcdwc:DO; DECLARE lcddata BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT EXTERNAL; END lcdbusy; lcdwc:PROCEDURE(character) PUBLIC; DECLARE character BYTE; DO WHILE lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ END; lcddata = character; /* write char. to LCD */ END lcdwc; END lcdwc;
- Global procedure declarations to get access to the library.
lcduserchar:procedure(charno,sourceaddr) external; declare charno byte; declare sourceaddr address; end lcduserchar; lcdscp:PROCEDURE(row,position) EXTERNAL; DECLARE row BYTE; DECLARE position BYTE; END lcdscp; lcdwc:PROCEDURE(character) EXTERNAL; DECLARE character BYTE; END lcdwc; lcdwsa:PROCEDURE(stringaddress,length) EXTERNAL; DECLARE stringaddress ADDRESS; DECLARE length BYTE; END lcdwsa;
- Load a user-defined character definition into the HD44780 character generator memory. Quick explanation on how to implement user-defined characters: First you will need to make a pixel definition for the characters you want to use. Below is the pixel definition for an underlined '0' (char code 0x30) based on a 5x7 dots character definition: | bits | byte row | 76543210 | value ------------------------ 000 | xxx | 0x0E 001 | x x | 0x11 010 | x xx | 0x13 011 | x x x | 0x15 100 | xx x | 0x19 101 | x x | 0x11 110 | xxx | 0x0E 111 | xxxxx | 0x1F The byte values need to be loaded into CGRAM address 00cccrrr (binary), where: - ccc = user-defined character number (0..7) - rrr = row number of the user-defined character (0..7) Once that is done you can write user-defined character codes 0..7 to the desired LCD character position, just like you do with 'normal' characters. User-defined character definitions may be redefined 'on-the-fly'. While defining a 5x7 dots character: - Character code bits (DDRAM) 2..0 correspond to CGRAM address bits 5..3 (i.e. 8 possible user-defined characters). While defining a 5x10 dots character: - Character code bits (DDRAM) 2..1 correspond to CGRAM address bits 5..4 (i.e. 4 possible user-defined characters). It is best to switch off the cursor while writing to CGRAM. See also 2.6. Related pages. - Function parameters: charno : the character number (0..7) to be defined sourceaddr : pointer to an 8-byte array in code memory which holds the character definition
lcduserchar:do; declare lcdregs byte external auxiliary; declare lcddata byte external auxiliary; lcdgaddr:procedure byte external; end lcdgaddr; lcdbusy:procedure bit external; end lcdbusy; lcdsdda:procedure(ramaddress) external; declare ramaddress byte; end lcdsdda; lcduserchar:procedure(charno,sourceaddr) public; declare charno byte; declare sourceaddr address; declare pattern based sourceaddr byte constant; declare ddrampos byte; if charno >= 8 then /* invalid character number */ return; /* quit */ ddrampos = lcdgaddr; /* get current DDRAM position */ do while lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ end; lcdregs = (charno * 8) + 040h; /* set new CGRAM address */ do charno = 0 to 7; do while lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ end; lcddata = pattern; /* write bit-pattern to LCD */ sourceaddr = sourceaddr + 1; /* point to next byte */ end; call lcdsdda(ddrampos); /* restore DDRAM position */ end lcduserchar; end lcduserchar;
- Sets the cursor on the desired row and character position. - Function parameters: row : 0-based row number position : 0-based position (column) Note: lcdsize.dcl contains the declarations mentioned in paragraph Literal declarations.
lcdscp:DO; $include(c:\plm51\lcdsize.dcl) DECLARE lcdregs BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; DECLARE lcdsize BYTE EXTERNAL; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT EXTERNAL; END lcdbusy; lcdscp:PROCEDURE(row,position) PUBLIC; DECLARE row BYTE; DECLARE position BYTE; if lcdsize > lcd4x40 then /* unknown display size */ return; /*----------------------- column positioning -------------------------------*/ do case lcdsize; if position >= 8 /* 1 x 16 */ then position = position + 040h; ; /* 2 x 16 */ ; /* 4 x 16 */ if position >= 10 /* 1 x 20 */ then position = position + 040h; ; /* 2 x 20 */ ; /* 4 x 20 */ if position >= 12 /* 1 x 24 */ then position = position + 040h; ; /* 2 x 24 */ ; /* 4 x 24 */ if position >= 16 /* 1 x 32 */ then position = position + 040h; ; /* 2 x 32 */ ; /* 4 x 32 */ if position >= 20 /* 1 x 40 */ then position = position + 040h; ; /* 2 x 40 */ ; /* 4 x 40 */ end; if (lcdsize = lcd2x16) or (lcdsize = lcd2x20) or (lcdsize = lcd2x24) or (lcdsize = lcd2x32) or (lcdsize = lcd2x40) then do case row; ; /* row 0 */ position = position + 040h; /* row 1 */ end; if (lcdsize = lcd4x16) or (lcdsize = lcd4x20) then do case row; ; /* row 0 */ position = position + 040h; /* row 1 */ position = position + 014h; /* row 2 */ position = position + 054h; /* row 3 */ end; DO WHILE lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ END; lcdregs = position + 080h; END lcdscp; END lcdscp;
- Writes a character to the LCD at the current cursor position. - Function parameter: character : character to be written
lcdwc:DO; DECLARE lcddata BYTE EXTERNAL AUXILIARY; lcdbusy:PROCEDURE BIT EXTERNAL; END lcdbusy; lcdwc:PROCEDURE(character) PUBLIC; DECLARE character BYTE; DO WHILE lcdbusy; /* wait till LCD ready */ END; lcddata = character; /* write char. to LCD */ END lcdwc; END lcdwc;
- Writes a string from auxiliary data memory (ext. RAM) to the LCD starting at the current cursor position. - Function parameter: stringaddress : start address of the string in auxiliary data memory length : length of the string - 'length' = 0 : a $-terminated string is expected - 'length' <> 0 : 'length' characters are written
lcdwsa:DO; lcdwc:PROCEDURE(character) EXTERNAL; DECLARE character BYTE; END lcdwc; lcdwsa:PROCEDURE(stringaddress,length) PUBLIC; DECLARE stringaddress ADDRESS; DECLARE character BASED stringaddress BYTE AUXILIARY; DECLARE length BYTE; DECLARE terminator LITERALLY '036'; /* ASCII code for '$' */ IF length = 0 THEN /* terminated string */ DO WHILE character <> terminator; /* while not end of string */ CALL lcdwc(character); /* write character */ stringaddress = stringaddress + 1; /* adress of next char. */ END; ELSE /* string length specified */ DO WHILE length > 0; /* while not end of string */ CALL lcdwc(character); /* write character */ stringaddress = stringaddress + 1; /* adress of next char. */ length = length - 1; /* decrement length counter */ END; END lcdwsa; END lcdwsa;
- .
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