[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]- Tells MPASM which ports and registers (files) to use.
LCD_DATA EQU PORTB ; LCD data lines interface LCD_DATA_TRIS EQU TRISB LCD_CTRL EQU PORTA ; LCD control lines interface LCD_TEMP EQU 0x020 ; LCD subroutines internal use DELAY EQU 0x023 ; Used in DELAYxxx routines X_DELAY EQU 0x024 ; Used in X_DELAYxxx routines
- Literal declarations (Equates) used in the code.
; PORTA control bits LCD_E EQU 2 ; LCD Enable control line LCD_RW EQU 1 ; LCD Read/Write control line LCD_RS EQU 0 ; LCD Register-Select control line
- LCD initialisiation code to be executed after power-up (i.e.: before any other subroutines are used). - Should be modified to your needs (i.e. display type, cursor on/off, etc.)
LCDINIT ; Busy-flag is not yet valid CLRF LCD_CTRL ; ALL PORT output should output Low. ; power-up delay MOVLW 0x01E CALL X_DELAY500 ; 30 * 0.5mS = 15mS ; Busy Flag should be valid from here MOVLW 0x038 ; 8-bit-interface, 2-lines CALL LCDPUTCMD MOVLW 0x000 ; disp.off, curs.off, no-blink CALL LCDDMODE CALL LCDCLEAR MOVLW 0x004 ; disp.on, curs.off CALL LCDDMODE MOVLW 0x002 ; auto-inc (shift-cursor) CALL LCDEMODE RETURN
- Tests if the LCD is busy. Returns when LCD busy-flag is inactive.
LCDBUSY BSF STATUS,RP0 ; Select Register page 1 MOVLW 0x0FF ; Set PORTB for input MOVWF LCD_DATA_TRIS BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Select Register page 0 BCF LCD_CTRL, LCD_RS ; Set LCD for command mode BSF LCD_CTRL, LCD_RW ; Setup to read busy flag BSF LCD_CTRL, LCD_E ; LCD E-line High MOVF LCD_DATA, W ; Read busy flag + DDram address BCF LCD_CTRL, LCD_E ; LCD E-line Low ANDLW 0x80 ; Check Busy flag, High = Busy BTFSS STATUS, Z GOTO LCDBUSY LCDNOTBUSY BCF LCD_CTRL, LCD_RW BSF STATUS, RP0 ; Select Register page 1 MOVLW 0x000 MOVWF LCD_DATA_TRIS ; Set PORTB for output BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Select Register page 0 RETURN
- Clears display and returns cursor to home position (upper-left corner).
- Returns cursor to home position. - Returns display to original position (when shifted).
- Sets entry mode of the LCD - Required entry mode must be set in W b0 : 0 = no display shift, 1 = display shift b1 : 0 = auto-decrement, 1 = auto-increment b2-b7 : don't care
LCDEMODE ANDLW 0x003 ; Strip upper bits IORLW 0x004 ; Function set CALL LCDPUTCMD RETURN
- Sets display control - Required entry mode must be set in W b0 : 0 = cursor blink off, 1 = cursor blink on (if b1 = 1) b1 : 0 = cursor off, 1 = cursor on b2 : 0 = display off, 1 = display on (display data remains in DD-RAM) b3-b7 : don't care
LCDDMODE ANDLW 0x007 ; Strip upper bits IORLW 0x008 ; Function set CALL LCDPUTCMD RETURN
- Sets the Character-Generator-RAM address. CGRAM data is read/written after this setting. - Required CGRAM address must be set in W b0-5 : required CGRAM address b6-7 : don't care
LCDSCGA ANDLW 0x03F ; Strip upper bits IORLW 0x040 ; Function set CALL LCDPUTCMD RETURN
- Sets the Display-Data-RAM address. DDRAM data is read/written after this setting. - Required entry mode must be set in W b0-6 : required DDRAM address b7 : don't care
- Returns address counter contents, used for both DDRAM and CGRAM. - RAM address is returned in W
LCDGADDR BSF STATUS,RP0 ; Select Register page 1 MOVLW 0x0FF ; Set PORTB for input MOVWF LCD_DATA_TRIS BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Select Register page 0 BCF LCD_CTRL, LCD_RS ; Set LCD for command mode BSF LCD_CTRL, LCD_RW ; Setup to read busy flag BSF LCD_CTRL, LCD_E ; LCD E-line High MOVF LCD_DATA, W ; Read busy flag + RAM address BCF LCD_CTRL, LCD_E ; LCD E-line Low ANDLW 0x07F ; Strip upper bit BCF LCD_CTRL, LCD_RW BSF STATUS, RP0 ; Select Register page 1 MOVLW 0x000 MOVWF LCD_DATA_TRIS ; Set PORTB for output BCF STATUS, RP0 ; Select Register page 0 RETURN
- Sends character to LCD - Required character must be in W
LCDPUTCHAR MOVWF LCD_TEMP ; Character to send is in W CALL LCDBUSY ; Wait for LCD to be ready BCF LCD_CTRL, LCD_RW ; Set LCD in read mode BSF LCD_CTRL, LCD_RS ; Set LCD in data mode BSF LCD_CTRL, LCD_E ; LCD E-line High MOVF LCD_TEMP, W MOVWF LCD_DATA ; Send data to LCD BCF LCD_CTRL, LCD_E ; LCD E-line Low RETURN
- Sends command to LCD - Required command must be in W
LCDPUTCMD MOVWF LCD_TEMP ; Command to send is in W CALL LCDBUSY ; Wait for LCD to be ready BCF LCD_CTRL, LCD_RW ; Set LCD in read mode BCF LCD_CTRL, LCD_RS ; Set LCD in command mode BSF LCD_CTRL, LCD_E ; LCD E-line High MOVF LCD_TEMP, W MOVWF LCD_DATA ; Send data to LCD BCF LCD_CTRL, LCD_E ; LCD E-line Low RETURN
- Used in LCDINIT subroutine - Required delay factor must be in W (Could be coded more efficient, but this approach gives more flexibility)
;*********************************** a 500uS delay @ 4MHz X-tal DELAY500 MOVLW D'165' ; +1 1 cycle MOVWF DELAY ; +2 1 cycle DELAY500_LOOP DECFSZ DELAY, F ; step1 1 cycle GOTO DELAY500_LOOP ; step2 2 cycles DELAY500_END RETURN ; +3 2 cycles ;*********************************** a delay of 'W' * 500mS X_DELAY500 MOVWF X_DELAY ; +1 1 cycle X_DELAY500_LOOP CALL DELAY500 ; step1 wait 500uSec DECFSZ X_DELAY, F ; step2 1 cycle GOTO X_DELAY500_LOOP ; step3 2 cycles X_DELAY500_END RETURN ; +2 2 cycles
After several requests a quick explanation on how to implement user-defined characters: First you'll need to make a pixel definition for the characters you want to use. This is the pixel definition for an underlined '0' (char code 0x30) based on a 5x7 dots character definition: | bits | byte row | 76543210 | value ------------------------ 000 | xxx | 0x0E 001 | x x | 0x11 010 | x xx | 0x13 011 | x x x | 0x15 100 | xx x | 0x19 101 | x x | 0x11 110 | xxx | 0x0E 111 | xxxxx | 0x1F The byte values need to be loaded into CGRAM address 00cccrrr (binary), where: - ccc = user-defined character number (0...7) - rrr = row number of the user defined character (0...7) Once that's done you can write character codes 0...7 to the desired LCD character position, just like you do with 'normal' characters. User-defined character definitions may be changed 'on-the-fly'. While defining a 5x7 dots character: - Character code bits (DDRAM) 2..0 correspond to CGRAM address bits 5..3 (i.e. 8 possible user defined characters). While defining a 5x10 dots character: - Character code bits (DDRAM) 2..1 correspond to CGRAM address bits 5..4 (i.e. 4 possible user defined characters). It's best to switch off the cursor while writing to CGRAM. See also 2.6. Related pages.
(More detailed code may be published some day)
---------------------- |This is on line : 0| |This is on line : 1| |This is on line : 2| |This is on line : 3| ----------------------
Shows the following screen on a 2*40 LCD:
----------------------------------------- |This is on line : 0This is on line : 2| |This is on line : 1This is on line : 3| ------------------------------------------
Shows the following screen on a 2*20 LCD:
---------------------- |This is on line : 0| |This is on line : 1| ----------------------
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